Monday, July 12, 2010

This is your brain.

This is your brain at the BIG Trivia Show...DOH!

Here is a shot of Mulligans in Celebration, home to the August 14th BIG Tournament of Champions. Make Sure you may not get a second might say you might not get a mulligan....No, I can't believe I typed that either.
Teams that have qualified so far.

The Impatient Procrastinators
Is that a sex toy? No, it's my shake weight!
Yo-Yo Girl Cop...Hi!
Horry Cow, It's Robster Boy
Ash Matt House
Top Of The Muck Pile
Team King
We Are Family
The Mighty Blues
Kings of the Kastle
Fluffy Pants
That's What She Said
I have most of your E-Mail addresses and will send you an RSVP as the date gets closer.

I am sure all of you know that Lebron joined Wade and Bosh in Miami. I just still can't believe all the media hype. Which gave me an idea...Have a reality show where all three of them live in the same apartment...It would be like a Three's Company sequel...Pat Riley could live up stairs and play the part of Mr. Roper and try to spoil all of their hi-jinx....I don't see how it couldn't work.
Oh well.....
Word of the Week....Come and Knock On Our Door.
See you at the shows.

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