Monday, July 5, 2010

It's that time of year again!
The BIG Trivia Show tournament of champions, invitational, world series, Superbowl is back.
The event will be held on, Saturday, August 14th.
It will be at Mulligans and will start at 7pm.
Winner take all format, with the winner taking home a $100.00 bar tab and $100.00 in cash...That's right a $100.00 cash prize as well as a $100.00 bar tab. How do we do it? (I don't know)
It is easy to qualify for the tournament ..... win, place or show at any of the venues and your in.
Teams will be limited to only six people. So mark your calenders..Saturday, August 14th ...7pm!
This week the BIG Show will be at.....
Cheers....Monday 9pm
Kahuna Grill......Tuesday 9pm
Gators Dockside......Wednesday 7pm
Mulligans....Thursday 7pm
TGI Fridays....Sunday 7pm
Word of the Week...Trophy!
See you at the shows.

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