Monday, June 14, 2010

Hello All,

Technology is always letting me down.

We have a huge oil spill...
There is Baconnaise...I did not make this up...bacon flavored mayo!

I am still waiting on my flying car, like in the Jetsons...its is 2010 already!

and Facebook...Yes, Facebook....recently on FB my prom picture from my junior year of high school made an appearance...Yes, below is a much thinner Cornell from 1989....but no one and I mean no one rocks a mullet in a tuxedo quite like me...feathered and lethal.

Well It's like I always say.."If you can't laugh at yourself, make sure you laugh at others"

The BIG show will be at.....

Monday...Cheers 9pm
Tuesday....Harmony Town Tavern 7pm
Wednesday....Gators Dockside 7pm

Thursday....Mulligans 7pm

Saturday....TGI Fridays 7pm

Word of the Week..worth 3 extra points...MULLET!

Have a great week.

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