Monday, June 21, 2010

First night at Kahuna Grill was at hit!

Congrads to B-Rad for taking first place in both games

The night was a blast, thanks to everyone who came out. The BIG show will be there every Tuesday at 9pm, with myself and Tony Lopez alternating weeks.

BIG congrads to THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID for winning their first game and celebrating with Bobble Head Boba Fet at TGI Fridays.

BIG congrads to KINGS OF THE KASTLE...I told them if they won 4 in a row they would get their photo on the site. Plus it gave me an excuse to get crazy with my new photo shop app.

The BIG Show will be at.....

Monday......Cheers 9pm
Tuesday.....Kahuna Grill 9pm
Wednesday......Gators Dockside 7pm
Thursday....Mulligans 7pm
Sunday....TGI Fridays 7pm

Word of the Week....
It has been kind of a slow news week....Tiger didn't win the US Open...Lakers won, but that was on Thursday....we got robbed in the World Cup....and the CEO for BP is on a Yacht and all over my tv.
So for the Word of the Week name the CEO of BP who took a yachting trip while oil fills the gulf. Actually, you don't have to look up his name...just write JACKASS for the word of the week and this will get you 3 points.
See you at the shows.

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