Now for teams not winning....Got to say it has not been a fun week for a Magic fan...I'm hoping that for game four we can get Bugs Bunny and Bill Murry and go all Space Jam on them..maybe get Jackie Moon...just start brawling like they did in Slapshot....Stan cold just start pounding beers like Walter Matthau in the Bad News Bears... Ok, I'm out of sports movie references.
The BIG Show will be at....
Cheers.....Monday 9pm
Wednesday......Gators Dockside 7pm
Thursday...... Mulligans 7pm
Sunday......TGI Fridays 7pm

"Look coach it's no use, all right. We suck. And I know for a fact that we can't win this game. And I'd much rather head home. Bake some snicker-doodles with a few of my bro's and then practice french-kissing with my french-kissing puppet. So, all in favor of getting the "f" outta here say "Aye". "
I'm feeling the same way....GO MAGIC!
See ya at the shows
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