Monday, September 26, 2011

It was Top o' the Muck Pile taking 1st place, $200.00 in cash, Snuggies and the above makeshift star bust trophy!

The Dart Kings finished in second place and were winners of $50 in cash! Thanks again to Fridays Sand Lake for having the tournament and as always thanks to everyone who turned out for the tournament and we will have another real soon.


The BIG Show will be at.....

Monday....Cheers 9pm

Tuesday..... Applebees East Kissimmeee 10pm

.... TGI Hunters Creek 10pm

Wednesday.... Gators Dockside 7pm

Thursday.... Mulligans 7pm
.... Coasters 8:30pm


Have a great week.

Word of the Week.... Debate

1 comment:

Erica! said...

Thanks again for hosting this. We had fun. Love the snuggie! haha