Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello All,

BIG thanks to everyone that turned out on Saturday Night for our charity event.

Making love out of nothing at all....1st Place and $150.00 in cash!!!
Yo Yo Girl Cop, Hi!...taking 3nd and $25.00

Arthur Brown Meets Team Shakeweight.... 2nd place and earning $75.00.

Before you ask, No, I have no idea why everyone has Zombie Eyes in these photos.


The BIG Show will be at....

Monday....Cheers 9pm

Tuesday.....3 Sisters 8pm

Wednesday..... Gators Dockside 7pm

Thursday..... Mulligans 7pm

....... Coasters 10pm

Sunday..... TGI Fridays 7:30pm


Word of the Week... Clinic!

See you at the shows.


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