Monday, April 19, 2010

Hello all, and greetings from the road.
Whenever traveling Hwy 95 and crossing the border from N. Carolina to S. Carolina it is a must to stop at SOUTH OF THE BORDER...or as I like to call it S.O.B.
It is one of the greatest, cheesiest, tourist holes on the planet....thus the above photo of myself and Jen, where I am trying to Hypnotize you...."You will come to trivia tonight."
It is an oasis on an otherwise barren strip of 95.
The BIG Show will be at....
Cheers...Monday 9pm
Harmony...Tuesday 7pm
Gators.....Wednesday 7pm
Mulligans.....Thursday 7pm
TGI Fridays......Sundays 7pm

The above photo is of sport fisherman Josh. He and his father Mike are players at my Harmony show. This photo has not been photo shopped in any way. It is a 35", 26 pound catfish. Move over Bill Dance, Capt. Ahab has nothing on this kid and as Sheriff Brody said in Jaws " We're gonna need a BIGGER boat"
Well done Josh!
Word of the Week....BIG FISH

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