Monday, April 26, 2010

Congratulation to TEAM MENG, for their first win at the BIG Trivia Show.
It is Kentucky Derby week...Yahoo!
Eskendereya was the favorite going in to this weekend but was scratched due to a bum leg. So it once again is any horses race. I'm sure this derby update is boring you so on with more pressing matters.
The BIG Show will be at.....
Cheers....Monday 9pm
Gators Dockside.....Wednesday 7pm
Mulligans.....Thursday 7pm
TGI Fridays....Sunday 7pm
For the WORD OF THE WEEK THIS WEEK. Name the race horse in the picture below...was an American Thoroughbred racehorse, who in 1973 became the first U.S. Triple Crown champion in twenty-five years, setting new race records in two of the three events in the Series—the Kentucky Derby (1:59 2/5), and the Belmont Stakes (2:24)—records that still stand today.
Worth 3 extra points on game number one.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hello all, and greetings from the road.
Whenever traveling Hwy 95 and crossing the border from N. Carolina to S. Carolina it is a must to stop at SOUTH OF THE BORDER...or as I like to call it S.O.B.
It is one of the greatest, cheesiest, tourist holes on the planet....thus the above photo of myself and Jen, where I am trying to Hypnotize you...."You will come to trivia tonight."
It is an oasis on an otherwise barren strip of 95.
The BIG Show will be at....
Cheers...Monday 9pm
Harmony...Tuesday 7pm
Gators.....Wednesday 7pm
Mulligans.....Thursday 7pm
TGI Fridays......Sundays 7pm

The above photo is of sport fisherman Josh. He and his father Mike are players at my Harmony show. This photo has not been photo shopped in any way. It is a 35", 26 pound catfish. Move over Bill Dance, Capt. Ahab has nothing on this kid and as Sheriff Brody said in Jaws " We're gonna need a BIGGER boat"
Well done Josh!
Word of the Week....BIG FISH

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hello All.

Not a great week for your trivia host. Purchased a car that I found through a Craigslist add. Had the car for a total of 20min.......and then.........

The cars electric system went out and the car started spewing fluid ever where.... f*&^%#. Called the guy who sold it and he basically told me tuff luck. There is really no legal recourse for me so I basically have only one thing I can do.....Call the A-TEAM.

Costly mistake...oh and learn.

The Show will be at.....

Monday......Cheers 9pm

Wednesday.....Gators Dockside 7pm

Thursday.....Mulligans 7pm

Sunday......TGI Fridays 7pm

See you at the shows.

WORD OF THE WEEK.....Shyster.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Fluffypants WINS!

Congratulations to Fluffypants for winning the Tournament of Champions this weekend. It's a crazy week....NCAA championship....Tiger returns to golf.......opening day for baseball....and most importantly the BIG TRIVIA SHOW TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS!

Thanks to every one who came out Saturday Night I really do appreciate all the support you give to me and the show. And BIG thanks to David, John, Tracey and James at Mulligans for making the show possible.

Thanks to all the teams that were able to make it.

Word of the Week.....Opening Day