Monday, November 2, 2009

BELLEVIEW, Fla., Nov. 1 (UPI) -- A 29-year-old man in Belleview, Fla., is facing drunken driving charges for allegedly operating a riding lawnmower while intoxicated, authorities said.
The Gainesville (Fla.) Sun said that, according to a sheriff's office report, Ron Martin allegedly was intoxicated when he crashed a stolen lawnmower with a female passenger on Wednesday.
Sheriff's deputy Abigale Rodriguez alleges Charlene Mallorey, the female passenger, admitted she and Martin fell off the lawnmower after he tipped the vehicle.
Mallorey allegedly said a group of children on a nearby school bus began laughing at the pair, prompting Martin to begin banging on the bus in an attempt to enter the vehicle.
The female bus driver, whose identity was not reported, maintains the pair crashed the lawnmower into the bus before falling off.
The Sun said Martin, who allegedly threatened Rodriguez while being transported to Marion County Jail, refused to take a breath test to determine his blood alcohol level. He was charged with driving under the influence, threat to a public servant and criminal mischief.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween.

This week

Cheers...Monday @ 9pm

Tuesday...Harmony Town Tavern @ 7pm

Wednesday....Gators Dockside @ 7pm

Thursday....Mulligans @ 7pm

Also if your in the area of Old Town in Kissimmee..Trivia host Steadman will be starting a new show at the Bennigans on Wednesday night at 8 pm....Check out blog on the Earth Trivia home page.

Word of the Week...Mower.

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