Monday, October 12, 2009

I don't know why the person felt it necessary to put in the ad.."Must have hoola hoop". Everyone knows if your going to do yard work, your going to need a hoola hoop.
Cirque du Solandscape?

Congrads to REMAX MARKETPLACE for their first win at the BIG Show.
The BIG Show will be at........
Cheers.....Monday 9pm
Gators Dockside.....Wednesday 7pm
Mulligans......Thursday 7pm
Couple other things....
Mikey ( doorman at Cheers) is hosting an open mike night at Mulligans on Saturday nights, 9pm. Drinks, music....what more could you ask for?
Also I will be hosting a Halloween contest at Cheers on, well, Halloween ( yes I know, "thank you Capt. Obvious ). So put on your best/ worst /sexiest dress and come out for some tricks and treats or at least a bamboozle and a beer.
Word of the Week.....Hoola hoop.

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