Monday, August 3, 2009

Last Weeks BIG Winners

Hello all, hope everyone had a great I got brunt to a crisp while golfing. 36 years in Florida, you would think that I would have learned that hours in the oppressive heat of August will get you burnt. I think I should invest in some SPF squeeze the tube and a sweater comes out.

Ohh, well. The show will be at Cheers/ Monday, Gators/ Wednesday and Mulligans/ Thursday.

For those teams that won last week, you did qualify for the tournament of champions... there is a list on the right of the blog of the teams that have. I am still working on the exact date, want to make sure it doesn't conflict with any other events at mulligans....looks like a total of 10 teams will make it and team size will max out at 6.....More details to follow.

Have a great week.....

Word of the Week......Contract (worth 3 extra points on game one)

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