Monday, August 31, 2009

The 2009 Tournament of Champions

Winners of the BIG Trivia show tournament of champions...

Congrads to Alternative Reel for taking home first place and a $100.00 bar tab.
BIG thanks to all the teams that played: Cheating Papi, Harmonatics, That's What She Said, Maybe We Should Kiss to Break the Tension?, Car RamRod, Big Mama's Poker All-Stars, Impatient Procrastinators, Fools On Stools, Everything Rhymes With Orange, Yo-Yo Girl Cop....Hi, Who Run Barter Town?, The Jerkins and HGVC.
I really appreciate all of you playing, from week to week all of you make The BIG Trivia show possible.
As always BIG thanks to David, John, Erin and Jason for making the night a success.
Congrads again to the champs and we will do it again real soon!
Word of the Week.....Snuggy! (worth 3 extra points on the first game)

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Surfers...lovers of trivia and Sponge Bob.

Hello all, hope everyone had a great week. Big thanks to Big Mama's Poker for their Tournament of Champions...thanks to Darren and Billy for having me out it was a blast, even if I did not win.
Any whooooo....The BIG Trivia Tournament of Champions will be this Saturday, August 29th, at Mulligans in Celebration---7pm. Grand prize, a $100.00 bar tab for first place + a trophy and some other cool prizes. Those of you who have won a spot, make sure that you let me know that you are going to make it. Space is limited.
See you at the shows.
Word of the Week.......Airwalk ( 3 extra points on your first game)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Free Beer taking first place at Mulligan's

Hello Big Trivia Fans.

A little business first....If you have qualified for the Tourney of Champions you will get an E-Mail this week asking if you are going to make it...The tourney is Saturday August 29th at 7pm.

I am back from vacation and will be at Cheers-Monday, Gators- Wednesday and Mulligan's-Thursday.

Word of the Week ...Oceans of Sand

See ya at the shows!

R.I.P. John Hughes...."Could you describe the ruckus?"

Monday, August 10, 2009

"Give us any chance will take it, gi
ve us any rule will break it".....Hello all I was able to visit a Brewery this weekend, JOY!

Unfortunately there was no Laverne or Shirley nor was there a Bob and Doug McKenzie or a dog named spuds... Just a bearded tour guide named Phil.

Best sample was a double black which was a stout infused with coffee....U can stay up late and get drunk all over again!
(thank you Drew Carey.)

Any whoooo.... The BIG show is at Cheers/ 9pm Monday ( John Sullivan will be filling in for me at Cheers, Thanks John.)....Harmony Town Tavern/ 7pm Tuesday.....Gators Dockside/ 7pm Wednesday and Mulligans/ 7pm Thursday.

For those of you who have qualified for the Tournament of Champions the date is Saturday, August 29th at 7PM .....Space is limited so you need to let me know that you are going to make it; by e-mail, in person, thru the blog, or interpretive dance. Teams will be limited to 6 players per team and it is a winner take all format, $100.00 bar tab to first place!

Have a great week.
Word of the Week....Fermentation. ( worth 3 extra points in the first game.)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Last Weeks BIG Winners

Hello all, hope everyone had a great I got brunt to a crisp while golfing. 36 years in Florida, you would think that I would have learned that hours in the oppressive heat of August will get you burnt. I think I should invest in some SPF squeeze the tube and a sweater comes out.

Ohh, well. The show will be at Cheers/ Monday, Gators/ Wednesday and Mulligans/ Thursday.

For those teams that won last week, you did qualify for the tournament of champions... there is a list on the right of the blog of the teams that have. I am still working on the exact date, want to make sure it doesn't conflict with any other events at mulligans....looks like a total of 10 teams will make it and team size will max out at 6.....More details to follow.

Have a great week.....

Word of the Week......Contract (worth 3 extra points on game one)