Monday, June 1, 2009

Hello BIG Trivia Fan.
The Sun is finally shining...the Magic are in the NBA finals...all is right with the world.
This week the show is at...
Monday.....Cheers 9pm
Tuesday....Harmony Town Tavern 7pm
Wednesday.....Gators Dockside 7pm
Thursday.......Mulligans 7pm

Car RamRod....On a 4 week winning streak.
3 Beers & A Gin


Orlando Tragic

Meat & Potatoes

Clubber Lang....Pity's the fool who takes them on

The Drunks...For some reason all the light was sucked out of the room when this photo was taken.
HGVC....Winning Game One at Cheers

Hope to see you at the shows.
Word of the Week.......Magic (worth 3 extra points in the first game!)

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