Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Been away for a while

Hello All,

Sorry that it has been a while from my last post. I took a trip to Connecticut to help Fox Woods Casino & Hotel pay their light bill......stupid poker!

Then on my way back from my vacation i did what anyone would do.......rupture my Achilles tendon!!!!!!!! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
But now I'm back and better than ever, or at least 50%.
I would like to thank Sherman for filling in for me last week and as always thank all of you for supporting the show.
I'll be back at Scoreboard thisThursday@7:30 pm and Rivals Sports Pub this Monday @ 8:00pm
Hope to see you there, I'll be the one with the Tiki head hobbling around on crutches. As always ........................Have Fun Storming The Castle.

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