Monday, April 28, 2008

Scoreboard- April 22nd

Princess Consuela Bannanhammicks & The Smelly Ponies!!!! Sweep both games including a perfect score in game #2

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 21st- Rivals

It was another great night at rivals. With Viagra Falls taking the first game and Rivals Rival the second game - and winning 2 tickets to the Orlando Predators!! Thanks to everyone who played, especially The Smart Asses for taking time out of finals week, playing the triv' and aiming low (taking down second place).

All is well in the world. My ankle has almost totally healed, the Orlando Magic are up 2-0 in the playoffs and the trivia is blowin' up! Thanks for supporting all my shows and I hope to see this Thursday at Scoreboards Grill starting at 7:30.

C U @ the next show........................................have fun storming the castle!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Scoreboard- April 10th

Another great night of trivia at Scoreboard Bar & Grill. We hobbled, or I hobbled through 2 fun filled games of trivia with the Guesstimators taking the first $25.00 gift certificate and Princess Consulas Banana-hammocks & The Smelly Ponies taking game two!

Trivia at Scoreboard every Thursday night starting at 7:30.

Tonight at Rivals on Alafaya trail, just north of UCF. Starts at 8:00- Two games of trivia.

I'm off to rest my wounded ankle, do some zen meditation, and eat some fried chicken.

Hope to see you tonight.............Have Fun Storming The Castle!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Been away for a while

Hello All,

Sorry that it has been a while from my last post. I took a trip to Connecticut to help Fox Woods Casino & Hotel pay their light bill......stupid poker!

Then on my way back from my vacation i did what anyone would do.......rupture my Achilles tendon!!!!!!!! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
But now I'm back and better than ever, or at least 50%.
I would like to thank Sherman for filling in for me last week and as always thank all of you for supporting the show.
I'll be back at Scoreboard thisThursday@7:30 pm and Rivals Sports Pub this Monday @ 8:00pm
Hope to see you there, I'll be the one with the Tiki head hobbling around on crutches. As always ........................Have Fun Storming The Castle.