Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!
Sorry about the very brief post this morning. I was in Atlanta...took in a ball game, bought a case of cheap wine, all and all a good time. The Internet connection would not work in my room so had to use the phone...blah, blah, blah,blah.
Anyway. Hope all of you enjoy ed your weekend and I will see you at the shows.
Monday...Cheers 9pm
Wednesday...Gators Dockside 7pm
Thursday..Mulligan's 7pm
Word of the Week ( worth 3 extra points!)....ATLANTA!

Word of the week is ...... Vacation

I'm in Atlanta and having to do this post by phone, Joy!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hello trivia fans.
It was another great week .... with all the rain we have been having the yard is actually green again and the Magic are in the Eastern Conference Finals.
A recap of the week....
Monday @ Cheers.... The Impatient Procrastinators made it a clean sweep winning both games.
Tuesday @ Harmony Town Tavern...It was Button Bush in game one and the Quick Quartet winning game two.
Wednesday @ Gators Dockside.... The Shaggin' Wagon held off a late charge by Brick and took down first place.
Thursday @ Mulligans..... Car RamRod went wire to wire and took the checkered flag.
See you at the shows this week....
Word of the Week......FINALS!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hope everyone had a happy Mothers Day, or as I like to call it John Shaft day....cuz Shaft is one bad mother...
Sorry about the lack of photos, my camera is on vacation.
See ya at the shows.....
Word of the week........Mother.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Last Week at the BIG Trivia show

Button Bush
The Wankers
Wholesale Marine Group


Car Ramrod
Team MoFo

Porky's Revenge

The Titian's of Trivia

Hello BIG Trivia fans.

Couple of pieces of news...

1) The BIG Trivia show will now be every Thursday at Mulligans in Celebration.....7pm

2) This Tuesday is Cinco de any team wearing a Sombrero to the show at Harmony Town Tavern will receive BONUS POINTS!!!!!!!!!!.....Sweet!

The show will be at.....

Monday.....................................Cheers 9pm
Tuesday........Harmony Town Tavern 7pm
Wednesday...............Gators Dockside 7pm
Thursday..............................Mulligans 7pm

Have a great week...see you at the shows.