Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday nights at Rusty O'Reilly's

Happy Halloween Eve!

Last week at Rusty's. It was PROST! making it a clean sweep and winning both games for the evening.

See you tonight for a Halloween inspired edition of the BIG trivia starts at 7:30....$100.00 in total prizes to be had.
Word of the day......Trick or Treat.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Last week at Gators Dockside.
Just Damn Sexy Friends....replacement photo from last week

Team Brick, back in the winners circle

The Fighting Blumpkins+ Blumpkin to be Brodie

Bridge To No Where....taking the checkered flag and a $20.00 bar tab


See you at Gators Dockside tonight... come on out, have a drink, play some trivia and watch 2 innings of baseball.

Word of the Day....rain delay.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Halloween...well almost.

It's a Halloween week edition of the big trivia show.

See you tonight at Cheers...9pm for the first show

Word of the Day...spooky.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm back!
Thanks again to Curtis for filling in for me.
See you tonight at Rusty's , game starts at 7:30
$100.00 in total prizes given out.
Word of the day.... Game Two.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gators Dockside, i did not check out the web site.

Smoke House Brown taking first place

Derfentod....counting down the days to nuptials

See you tonight at Gators Dockside, game starts at 8pm.
Watch the World Series, drink some beers and get your triv' on!

$20.00 first place bar tab+++ as always Budweiser Swag.
Word of the Day.... Game One.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dealers Choice

See you tonight at Harmony Town Tavern.
Game starts at 7pm, Two Games, $25.00 gift card for first place.

Word of the Day.....Worst to First.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Trop' is hosting the world series.....I have seen it all.

See you tonight at Cheers, as always two game....$25.00 for first+MNF+Beer+ Budweiser Swag. What could be better?

Game starts at 9pm

Word of the day....Worst to First.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tonight at Rusty O'Reillys

Hong Kong Phoey.....showing off their trivia skills.

Hello trivia fans.

I will not be in attendance this evening, but Curtis Earth will be filling in for me. Game kicks off at 7:30ish (he might be a little late).

Word of the Day......Curtis Earth

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Buck Foston, Go Rays taking 1st place and showing off the Budweiser Swag
The Brick just missing out on a 3nd consecutive 1st place

Derfentod...with a 3nd place finish

I don't know who this team is, but if seen they should be considered intoxicated and extremely funny.

Always a great time at Gators Dockside.
Game kicks off at 8pm.
$35.00 in total bar tabs!
Word of the Day .....Flush

Monday, October 13, 2008

No More Hamburgers
Palin Knows My B.F.F.

Get out of the rain..... forget about your 401k.....have a beer (preferably a Budweiser) the Giants & Browns and play some TRIVIA.

The show is at Cheers tonight......starts at 9pm....$25.00 bar tab to the winners of each game ++++++ Budweiser swag!

Word of the Day...Market Rebound. (gets ya 3 extra points in game one)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The BIG Trivia Show is at Rusty O'Reillys Tonight.

Come on out. Have some drinks, play some triv' , watch some college football.

First game is at 7:30, $25.00 for first place at the corner of Michigan and Orange Ave.

Word of the Day.......Debate

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Team of T.B.T.S. back to back weeks.

See you tonight at Gators Dockside.
Last week THE BRICK defended their title for the second week in a row.
$20.00 bar tab for first place + Budweiser Swag!
See you tonight...Game starts at 8pm.

Word of the Day.....Disguise.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It was another great night at Harmony Town Tavern. Dealers Choice took 1st place in game one. While The Zoey Bunch took the checked flag in game two.

Come on out tonight, play some trivia and watch the debate. Heck, have a debate yourself...smooth peanut butter .vs crunchy....belts .vs suspenders....Phillies .vs Dodgers (that one is just you short bus).

Game starts at 7pm....$25.00 gift card for first place.

Hope to see you there.

Word of the Day......debate.

Monday, October 6, 2008

See you tonight at Cheers.
Games start at 9pm
$25.00 bar tab for first place
$15.00 for second
Free picture of beer for third

Hope to see you there!

Word of the day......Debate

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Shim Sham v.3.0
There is no debating it, the BIG Trivia show rocks! So come on out to the Rusty O'Reillys, starts at 7:30, drink some drinks and get your triv' on. Last week it was The Shim Sham v3.0 who were our big winners of the evening. This up dated version busted out their brooms and make a clean sweep of both games.

So don't stay at home "biden" your time. You need to get out of the house or you'll start to look "palin". Yes that is a really, really bad play on words.

Word of the day......Cool Hand Luke

gets you 3 extra points in game one.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Last week at Gators.

It was The Brick, not just a great name for a team but also a great name for a child, taking first place.

See you tonight at Gators Dockside. Show starts at at 8pm, $20.00 bar tab for first place+++Budweiser specials!

Word of the Day...The Sting
Gets you three extra points in tonight's game!