Thursday, August 28, 2008

Last week at Rusty O'Reillys..........
Dead Weight made it a clean sweep of both games.
Thanks to everyone who braved tropical storm Fay to get you triv' on.

Make sure you make it out tonight. Games start at 7:30, $100.00 in total prizes give out!

Word of the day..........scream

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The BIG trivia show invades Gators Dockside in Ocoee.
8969 W. Colonial Drive
The show is tonight at8pm, BAR tabs given away to the winners as well as Budweiser swag!
Hope to see you there
Word of the day ....... Opening Night.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It was The Short Bus All-Stars taking game number one and The Fabulous 4 taking game number two. There were cries of dissension in the ranks and yells of traitor following game two, after Bill jumped ship.
To quote The Short Bus All-Stars- "What did we do to deserve such disrespect?" ( or insert other Godfather reference here)
Will The Short Bus All-Stars start another streak, will Bill be welcomed back into the 'family'?
Find out tonight at Harmony Town Tavern. First pitch is at 7pm, $25.00 gift cards + Budweiser swag given away + $2.00 drafts!
Heading to Vegas this weekend so-
Word Of The Day.........Double Down

Monday, August 25, 2008

In case you were wondering what Fay looked like from 10,000 feet, here you go.
I fly all the way to Biloxi just to be followed by tropical storm Fay. Glad to see my bad luck is not just reserved to poker.
Oh well!
See you tonight at Cheers, kick off is at 9pm. $25.00 bar tab for first place, $15.00 for second and free picture of beer for third.

Bee there or be g
Word of the day..........LUCKY

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fay Blows!
Come on out to Rusty O'Reilly's tonight. Get away from Fay, have a beer and play some triv'.
Last week it was the Guesstimators taking first game and Dead Weight taking the second.

$100.00 in total prizes given away! First pitch is at 7:30, hope to see you there.

Word of the day is...........Windy!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Hope ever one has picked up supplies. You know batteries, can goods, bourbon?
More unstoppable force in the water.......Fay or Michael Phelps?

So, stay outta the rain and take shelter at Cheers tonight. We drop the puck at 9pm. Two games, $25.00 bar tab for first place in each game.
Word of the day........Stormy

Thursday, August 14, 2008

One again my computer will not upload photos.......stupid technology!
See you tonight at RUSTY O'REILLY'S . Two games of trivia, $100.00 in total prizes given away!
First pitch is at 7:30pm.
Word of the day is ..................................Shaft!
It gets you an extra 3 points in the first game (added at the end of round 3)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Short Bus All-Stars push their streak to 6 in a row by winning game one. Wrigley takes first in game number two, bringing an end to the longest winning streak in the history of The Big Trivia Show.
Even Cal's streak ended at 2,632 games and heck, the Phillies are up two that's gotta ease the pain.
Hope to see all of you tonight. First pitch is at 7pm, $2.00 drafts, two games of trivia, $25.00 gift certificates for first place +++++++The Budweiser Swag!
Catch you at the Town Tavern, I'll be the guy with the microphone.
In honor of Issac Hayes.
Word of the Day is.......................CHEF.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Good times at Cheers, ain't we lucky we got 'em

It was The Bulge.....Dollar Mug Night ........... and I Stand Alone in game Number 2!

It was The Jerkins....Aurthur Brown's Minivan.....and The Boozers finishing in the winners circle in game one!

Thanks again to all those who participated in The Big Trivia Show. Back at Cheers tonight for two more games of trivia. Kick off is at 9pm, two games $25.00 bar tab to the winner and pony rides for the kids*! (*pony ride not included)

In honor of Isaac Hayes........Word of the day is..............That Shaft is one bad mutha!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Last week at Rusty O'Reilly's

The 4 Ho-R's finishing in the winners circle
The Turds showing off their "trivia booty"

Dead Weight
Finishing in first place and celebrating a Birthday!
Thanks to all who came out for the Big Trivia Show. We'll be kicking it off again tonight at Rusty O'Reilly's, 7:30 start time.
$100.00 in total prizes given away, not to mention the sugar high you get from eating a bunch of candy!

Word of the day is.......CHEESE DOODLES!
Hope to see you there!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Last week at Cheers!

The Jerkins, sorry no photo but I was all hopped up on cold meds, finishing in 1st in game Two.

It was IVO KICKS ASS and THE BOOZERS also in the winners circle in game # two

It was STRONGBOW over coming a drunken sugar rush and taking game number 1.

THE BULGE and DOLLAR MUG NIGHT ( or most of them) rounding out game #1.

Thanks to all who played, hope to see you tonight. Games starts at 9p.m.

Watched Hancock this weekend, pretty good, but no Dark Knight.

In honor of the passing of Skip Carey,