The Tiki makes its first visit to Rivals !!!
(He's not blurry, you've been drinking!)
Hello All!!!!!!!
It was a great opening night at Rivals Sports Bar, the place was packed, and the crowd was off the hook ( yes i realize that how old and over used 'off the hook is'). It was a crazy competitive game with with only two points separating the the first three teams. You're Late, The Smart Asses and Fast Times taking the first game. The second game was a dead heat that was settled with a couple of tie breakers. The Smart Asses, the Scarlet Nighthawks and B-Mo were the big winners of the second game.
You're Late....No You Are.
The Smart Asses........Don't look now but there is a LARGE caveman over you shoulder!
B-Mo and The Scarlett Nighthawks in
Thanks to everyone that played, the Tiki Trivia will be back ever Monday night at Rivals starting at 8pm..........hope to see you there......................have fun storming the castle!