Tuesday, March 25, 2008

March 24th Rivals Sports Bar & Grill

The Tiki makes its first visit to Rivals !!!

(He's not blurry, you've been drinking!)

Hello All!!!!!!!

It was a great opening night at Rivals Sports Bar, the place was packed, and the crowd was off the hook ( yes i realize that how old and over used 'off the hook is'). It was a crazy competitive game with with only two points separating the the first three teams. You're Late, The Smart Asses and Fast Times taking the first game. The second game was a dead heat that was settled with a couple of tie breakers. The Smart Asses, the Scarlet Nighthawks and B-Mo were the big winners of the second game.

You're Late....No You Are.

The Smart Asses........Don't look now but there is a LARGE caveman over you shoulder!

Fast Times.....Masters of Trivia............ and the artful game of Quarters

B-Mo and The Scarlett Nighthawks in
the Winners Circle on Opening Night

Thanks to everyone that played, the Tiki Trivia will be back ever Monday night at Rivals starting at 8pm..........hope to see you there......................have fun storming the castle!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Scoreboard Bar&Grill

Another great night.....although crazy busy.....at Scoreboard. We had an unprecedented 3 way tie for first with paper-rock-scissors and a staring contest settling it, if only our presidential elections could be solved so easy. It was The Guesstimators, Sticks Team and stank Pickle taking the first game and Hey-Soos, Sticks Team and U Love Us in the winners circle for the second game.

Once again THANKS to every one who played, especially the guy with the axe!
Hope to see you this Thursday and TONIGHT at Rivals Sports Bar, just north of UCF on Alafaya Trail.............................................Have Fun Storming the Castle!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Show At Rivals Sports Pub!

Hello All,

Wanted to let everyone know that I will be starting a new show at Rivals Sports Pup...Hwy 434...just north of U.C.F., starting at 8pm Monday March 24th for two shows of trivia!

Also, I wanted to thank everyone who showed up for my fill in show at RJ Gators. I had a blast!

Hope to see you at Rivals starting March 24th and at Scoreboard Grille every Thursday at 7:30pm for two shows of trivia.

as always.......have fun storming the castle............Cornell

Friday, March 14, 2008

March 13th- Scoreboard Grill

Hello all,

It was another great night of trivia at Scoreboard Grill. Teams taking home prizes- The Guesstimators Lite, Jesus (Hey-Soos), Pineloch, I Don't Know and Montage (i apologize to I Don't Know for the crappy photo). The show was a blast and the place was packed. Thanks again to everyone who played and I'll see you next week.